It is a truism that man over the ages has occupied himself with the issue of his existence on this side of life. Long before Descartes affirmed through intellectual reasoning that the fact that he is the one thinking means that he actually exists, other witnesses were far advanced in this quest for reality of life. Thus was it ordained from above. Through eons of time, Mister babache man has developed. Darwin hit on the right thing during his theory of evolution; though one thing that may not be known is that Man may never find the missing link between the apes and the human beings for the simple reason that it does not exist the way the archeologists and Paleontologists are expecting to find it. But that is another story for another day.
I intend to confine myself within the past six thousand years. That is as much as time and space can allow me. I do not go further back, for example, to talk of the Lemurians that existed at the American shores, or our own people, the Atlantians who two kings Ororun and Orokun survived today as the two Yoruba gods of Olorun and Olokun. It took only twenty-four hours for the whole continent to sink under the sea leaving remnants at the Western coasts of Africa, which later populated them into the Yoruba race. But it took forty-nine years for the forces of the elements to prepare the ground for the great happening. It first started with earthquakes that gradually increased its intensity from once in a few years to monthly and daily, coupled with floods at sections of the continent. Then came heightened seismic activities- virtually all their mountains became volcanic until the D-day. We can also draw parallel to present day happenings.
However, I cannot concern myself with that now. Let me start from six thousand years ago, at the time of Abraham, when through the Will of God mankind is to be taught the existence of God, higher than the close beings that man is used to and sometimes worship. The age of Taurus, the last two thousand years before then, has just come to an end and many cultures in fact, the highest cultures- were still in the age of worship of the forces of the elements and cooperate with them for their existence. In transition from the age of Taurus to Aries- in Earth events, the cycle of the Zodiac reads backwards - great preparations had to be made to usher in the age of Aries, the Ram, which in Christian circle corresponds to the age of the father. This is the time the knowledge of the existence of one God; the creator of Heaven on Earth is to be mediated to mankind irrespective of race. The only criteria to be used are the spiritual maturity of the people involved.
Grounds for it were prepared among the Egyptians. But it was only individual Pharaohs that were led to the discovery but were not permitted to mediate them to their people who were still steeped in the association, communication with and worship of the forces of the elements and certain sacred animals used as their symbols. Hence they revered the Ibis, a bird near in nature to our present day cattle egret; the hawk etc. the Indians revered the bull and the other cultures revered the ram. It is instructive that our ancestors never really worshiped the snake particularly the green mamba, for example, but revered it. It is also instructive that at each epoch in human development, different people may be at different epoch's of development either because they as a people are slow developers or they have degenerated back to earlier epoch due to their "evil' activities. Example of the later group is the so-called Hottentots of Australia who have to degenerate to the level of the average earth man thousands of years ago. They are populated like souls from all over the world since birds of the same feather flock together.
Abraham was prepared that through him the knowledge of one God should spread through to the whole world. He was also prepared to be " the father of many nations"- that all who are spiritually developed will associate themselves with the knowledge and worship of the one " God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob". To this end, he was meant to be the origin and source of a race more spiritually mature than others- the people of Is-ra-el.
During his numerous wanderings, he met many people and fought many wars. One of those he met was one of the few who already know about the most high. The man Mel-chi-ze-dek, blessed Abraham (then Abram) and Abram gave him ten percent of his war spoils- the origin of tithes in Israeli culture and what the newer generation church leaders capitalize on for their personal upkeep today.
That the genealogy of Melchizedek is not known does not mean he has no ancestors, as the author of the epistle to the Hebrews, tried to input. It only means the story is that of Abram, and even though they know Melchizedek Kingdom is called Salem (Arabic: Salaam), the author of Genesis knew nothing beyond that. And the author of Hebrew went as far as saying that Christ was a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek! It could have been vice versa since Christ the Son of God is "the author and finisher of our faith" and have been used to blessing the wine of life before the world began. Hence Melchizedek may have been a priest in the order of Christ! And this is the oath on which the Catholic priesthood is based.
Any serious student of theology knows for example that the only thing certain about the epistle to the Hebrews was that it was not written by Paul the evangelist. Older versions of the Bible always write" the epistle of Paul to the..." in other epistles, but are careful when it comes to Hebrews. They always write " the epistle to the Hebrews". Till date, the controversy rages among scholars on which of the early church scholars wrote it. But I am digressing from the story of the day.
Abraham became the father of Is-a-ac and Is-ma-el. The Bible says Is-ma-el was the father of the Arabs. Could it be he founded a city, probably called Is-ma, located probably in the southern part of the present day European continent? It is only speculative. What was recorded was that Isaac became the father of Israel and Esau. Israel became the father of the Israelite who needed the heavy hands of the Egyptians to prepare them as the most spiritually mature race on Earth.
After their period of suffering, Moses was raised to lead a people the Egyptians only recognized as "a band of slaves" -out of Egypt to settle at a pre-arranged place. The wanderings, the wars were meant to keep them prepared for the incarnation of the Son of God.
It was noteworthy that Moses had help from a King of a city located in the present day Sudan, who was a mentor and adviser. In fact, Juri-cheo, the daughter of Pharaoh Sethi, who picked up Moses and brought him up in Sethi's house, incurred her fathers wrath for that reason. When Pharaoh Sethi was about to die, instead of Juricheo to be conferred with Pharaoh as the first child, he chose Ramses II to swear to an oath that he will never let the Israelites go out of Egypt. He also asked him to assassinate that King of Sudan. When Ramses took over, Juricheo escaped to Sudan where she lived the rest of her life.
Moses it was said picked up a wife from that area- Ethiopia to be precise. And when he was given power over the forces of the elements, he was to use the power for the recorded plagues in the Bible. Ramses was torn between the suffering of his people through the plagues and the fear of his father's curse if he should allow the Israelites go.
Let me also state here that the mummified body archeologists found at the turn of the last century was not Ramses II but his Grandfather, Ramses I who lived up to 90 years. Ramses II led the soldiers that drowned in the Red Sea.
The Israelites were prepared, sharpened by wars and through wanderings so that they and future generations will be purified and mature enough to bear the incarnation of the Son of God Jesus both at His first coming and, more importantly, the coming of the judge of the World. It took them forty years to undertake a journey that could have lasted them forty-days to " the promised land". All the time signs were shown to them to make them realize that they connected to a higher level of understanding of God than the rest of the World. Even prophets from countries other than Israel recognized in them a people of the highest God as for example, Balaam, who was not a Jew but a Moabite, recognized them for what they are, and blessed them.
But even with all these, the Jews could not consciously bring themselves to the level of spiritual preparedness for the advent of the Messiah. Prophets were sent to admonish them and hold the issue of the coming of the judge over them as both a promise and a threat. Isaiah, one of the greatest prophets, was particularly interested in separating the issue of Christ and the Judge whom he called Im-a-nuel. But perhaps the best example of the separation was by the prophet Micah (5:2-5) here he prophesied the coming of Christ (5:2) " Therefore he shall give them up" i.e. the people of Israel shall then be given up after the death of Christ (this happened in about 70 A.D. when the Romans leveled Israel; scattering the people all over the world.) until the time that she who is in labour gives birth.
The one in labour was the virgin that shall conceive and bear a child, to be called Imanuel (Isaiah 7:14). Hence strictly from this prophecy of Imanuel, Christ "will give them up"(i.e. the people of Israel will be given up as a nation.) until the time of Imanuel, after which the remnants will return to Israel. This of course happened in 1948. Thus according to this prophecy, the second coming or the coming of Immanuel is to be expected before 1948 which is followed by the flourishng of the true teachings of Christ." And this one" (i.e. Immanuel) shall be peace". This pattern repeats itself as for example, Isaiah (9:1-7) where the prophecy about Christ (9; 1-5) merges with the prophecy of Immanuel (9:6-7). All the prophecies talking of " the day of the Lord" refers to the period, beginning with the 20th century and becoming gradually worse until the final consummation at the so-called " three day darkness" seen by the German monk Johannes Friedz in a vision in the 1950's.
Thereafter begins the millennium, since after the three days- actually three and half days- the sun rises purer, the Earth becomes better agriculturally and the few survivors of the " day of the Lord"- Friedz wrote that the number of those who will die will be more than all the world wars combined - will live in the world of peace ruled by the teachings of Christ and the Holy Spirit, the son of man Imanuel. Hence, " the kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord (the Holy Spirit) and of his Christ" (Rev. 11:15)- a part that was turned into song by George Fredrick Handel in his famous "Hallelujah Chorus". That is heralded by the sunrise on the 4th day, described by Malachi as " the sun of righteousness" rising with "healing in His wings."
The "period of tribulation" is heralded by 'the sign of the son of man". Mathew's mistake, however was combining Christ's prediction on the destruction of Jerusalem with the predictions of the second coming. He is not really to be blamed for this. All the disciples expected Christ to come during their lifetime. They expected that the destruction of the temple of Jerusalem prophesied by Christ (Mt 24:1-2) which happened in about 70 A.D.' is the great tribulation talked about. This idea runs through all the epistles about the second coming. At a stage, even Paul was complaining that the Lord is tarrying so long in coming. For Mathew more than forty years was enough for him to muddle up the issue of second coming and the destruction of Jerusalem since to him, it was one and the same thing. Two thousand years later, "he has not come". They did not understand when he stated that all the disciples will be back again on Earth- i.e. re incarnated - during the time of the coming judge of the world. John tried to explain this at the end of his gospel but editors made a mess of it. But it's like I am jumping the gun. Let me get back to the story.
Between the time of Moses and the birth of Christ, several "forerunners" lived in various countries among various peoples. There was Zoroaster in Iran, Krishna and Buddha in India, Lao Tse in China, Eck-en-aton in Egypt and Cassandra in Troy. One common thing with them is that they are all associated with royalty one way or the other. Moses was brought up in the house of Pharaoh and worked with the prince of Sudan, Akhnaton was a Pharaoh, Zoroaster lived in the house of Hafiz the king of Iran, Loa Tse lived in the Palace and worked with Emperor Chou during the Chou dynasty. Buddha was a prince himself, in fact, the three Buddha's were from the same lineage; Cassandra was the younger sister to Paris who abducted Helen from Greece. Their father was the king of Troy. Even later, after the time of Christ, Mohammed was second in command to the Arabian king - the Khalifa - before the whole kingdom became his as the Grande vizier.
Eck - en - Aton (meaning Aton is pleased), also called Akhaton, was Pharaoh over Egypt. He had the knowledge of one God, whom he built a Temple for in a city far from the capital city. He later changed the capital city to El Amana, where his temple was. He married Babylonian princes Nefer, who became the mother of Nefertiti and two other daughters. One was married to Tutmosis, the court Artist while a Babylonian, Tut - ench - amon, married the other in a scheme to become Pharaoh since Akhnaton had no male child. Instead, Akhnaton anointed Tutenchamon II the son of Tutenchamon Pharaoh on his naming ceremony, which was also the day of dedication of the child to Aton, the most High God. But Tut enchanton who was secretly worshipping Amon, assassinated him took over government by force and burnt the temple of God, changing back his own name to Tutenchamon. Amon was the sun God behind whom lies Re, who the Hebrews identified as Lucifer. He also gave his son Tutenchamon. Worse, he wanted Akhnaton's daughter, Nerfertiti as second wife. When she refused, he locked her up in an underground dungeon where he kept sending emissaries to her. Finally, after several threats, he gave orders that every official record of Nerfertiti as daughter of Akhnaton' be wiped out and replaced with words to the effect that Nerfertiti was his wife, in a kind of deranged spiteful action. This was zealously carried out hence all records that history knows today has Nerfetiti as the wife of Akhnaton. It also made historians to think that Nefer is the short form of Nerfetiti.
When the whole nation was forced back into idolatry by Tutenchamon, a few highly spiritual people who were struggling to understand the higher teachings of Akhnaton had to go underground, and they knew that other light beings will come to instruct mankind and that two thousand years after Moses a great teacher will come, two thousand years after that another great teacher is expected. But as usual distortions entered into it and they veered into mysticism and occultism, preserved in the activities of Rosicrucian Order today.
When Nerfertiti died, her handmaidens, in order to carry out her wish that Tutenchamon should not touch even her corpse, buried her in an unmarked, hidden grave. Luckily for them, a slave girl had died at the same time, they quickly presented her covered body to Pharaoh as Nerfetiti and he buried her with all royalty. Hence the mummified body found in the tomb of the Pharaoh's whose picture is now found everywhere as Nerfetiti is actually that of the slave girl buried in her place. The tomb of Nerfetiti has not yet been found.
Meanwhile, the young Tutenchamon assumed office as Pharaoh before the age of ten., following the fathers death. But Eje the chief priest ruled the kingdom on his behalf. But Pharaoh was spiritually attached to his cousin, born the same day by the wife of Tutmosis, the artist. The priests wanted to continue ruling on his behalf, but it appears that the little girl is rather giving him some sort of independent thought so much that he was beginning to assert himself. But it was noticed that he becomes sickly when the girl is not around. The priests conspired and killed the girl. Tutenchamon died mysteriously the same day a teenager.
The whole of Egypt mourned him. All the burial gifts they could not give to the grandfather was packed inside his tomb to be taken by him to the great beyond. That was why the tomb of Tutenchamon II was the richest tomb of Pharaoh ever found. His death resulted in struggle for power between the priesthood and the Pharaoh, which lasted for centuries until the Pharaoh's ended their lineage with Cleopatra.
In Iran, Hafiz, the king of Iran, brought up Zoroaster whose mother died at his birth and whose father died before he was ten. Before his birth, there were prophesies of a coming forerunner of the Shyoshyant who will come to judge the world in distant future. In actual sense, the meaning of Zoroaster is " the preparer of the way". In his early life, he was ironically occupied with the prophecy of the coming of Zoroaster and had only one wish: to be a Zoroaster servant. After a period of preparation during seclusion in a forest, he came to recognize himself and finally spent his time going from town to town teaching and proclaiming the coming of the judge of mankind, making it known that nobody knows when the Lord will come. At the same time, an imposter appeared also claiming to be Zoroaster, and going to places Zoroaster had been before telling them that the will soon come that they need do no work anymore since he will surely come next season.
Many towns believed him with disastrous economic consequences. Zoroaster pursued him and had a face-to-face encounter with him. The encounter, which was a spiritual battle, left the false Zoroaster dead. It took Zoroaster years to correct what damage the false one did.
Even at that, his teachings still found a way of infiltrating into the teachings of Zoroaster, the way preparer of the Lord in Iran. One significant thing about his mission was that, for several years before he started his mission, natural disaster ravaged Iran. There were earthquakes, storms in unprecedented rate compressed within a few years. This resulted in years of extreme famine and starvation preparing the way through sufferings.
King Hafiz never married, and it was Zoroaster that gave him a son through Yadassa, his(zoroaster's) wife that continued the kingdom.
Luckily at old age, Zoroaster recorded his own teachings, hence it was easy for those who dedicated themselves to the teachings of Zoroaster to study and know when to expect the first messiah before the Shaoshylant or the judge. At the time he wrote, he changed his name from Zoroaster (way preparer) to Zarathustra (way preserver). In fact, it was one of his prophetic writing that he received from the Lord "about a thousand years from now, search for my star in the sky.
Follow this star and it will lead you to the stable where I am laid". These were known by highly spiritual scholars by the time Christ was born, that resulted in the four wise men, three from the Middle East and one the King of Ethiopia, to plan to meet at a pre-arranged place to go together to pay obeisance to Christ. One had Gold, the other had Frankincense, the third had myrrh, and the fourth had precious stones. But the fourth, a medical doctor stopped to attend to the sick, and the other three not being able to wait for him left without him. Having missed them and the directive from the star, he spent his whole life searching for him. Even the stones he had for Christ he eventually had to dispose of to help the poor. And when he died from the wound he received from the beam of collapsing roof, he thought he heard a voice telling him he had fulfilled his duties required of him from God by using his profession to help mankind.
Ironically the three who actually saw Christ and gave symbolic gifts went away in the emptiness of their own failures. In fact one of them, the King of Ethiopia, longed so much to go back and find out what happened to the king they went to pay homage to in Bethlehem. Before he died, he detailed his daughter, Candace, who became queen after him. Candace sent her father's trusted treasurer to go to Israel and find out. He went there and was questioning the scribes and Pharisees. They told him the messiahs they are expecting has not come, and gave him prophesies from Isaiah about the messiah to read. He was lost with prophecies when Philip one of the disciples of the recently risen Christ was instructed to go and meet him. "Understandeth thou what thou readest?" Philip asked him. Meanwhile let's get back to the forerunners.
By the time Krishna came to India, the people were steeped in very low level of fetishism and idol worship. They have not as a people developed to a level even in relating to the forces of the elements, which at their level of spiritual maturity is expected of them. Hence their priests and their clairvoyants were only able to see phantoms, demons and other low level entities. This was the same thing that was happenings to our ancestors who see entities, phantoms and demons of various levels of ugliness and distortions and tried to reproduce them in masks and imitate them in masquerades and various kinds of carvings. Because these things are a reality and sometimes, if they are not benevolent entities, they are very fearful, and our ancestors were able to be appeasing them, sometimes with blood sacrifices.
Since these entities were created in the first place by men's fears and evil thoughts, the viscous cycle continues. Some native doctors advocate contortions, courage instilling dances, leaps and runs and body paintings to appear more fearful than things that are tormenting them. Some purer ones are able to see the real forces of the elements as for example, the beings in charge of rain who are the local workers under some higher directors, or the little earth gnomes, which are quite close to children as NWANDEGENDEGE and NWA OBUBARA; flower elves, water spirits etc. these were realities our ancestors knew of and live with as a matter of course until the white man came with the teachings of Christ and told them the reality they know does not exist. In their ignorance, they did not realize that these threading paths, with all the errors involved that could have led them to God ultimately.
For example, through the knowledge about the rain beings, a few were able to detect their directors above, who, for example, they named Amadioha or the God of thunder. The same "god' was known as Thor in the Anglo-Saxon norms, and even had a name of the week named after him- Thor's day or Thursday. In fact, other days were named after other gods, - e.g. Woden (Odin) Wodensday or Wednesday; Day of the sun god, Sunday; the day of the moon, Monday etc. The religion they brought left much gaps between it and reality of the people they met. That is why the black man believes in the efficacy of Juju alongside Christianity. Even in Germany, a preacher had to destroy all the traces of the worship of Odin, who Greeks recognize as Zeus and Romans as Jupiter as non-existent gods! Anyway back to Krishna.
Krishna was born in a mountainous area of India where the highest adepts that recognize the existence of one God worship him in seclusion. They had expected the coming of the Krishna and when he was born, after the necessary training among them, he was quietly accepted as their leader until the time he had to leave the mountainous areas to the lowlands. He was a tacit young man. From the low level of Indians of that era, Krishna knew it will take centuries for them to mature to the level for them to understand the deep spiritual implication of the existence of one God. That was reserved for the coming of Buddha. Because of his towering spiritual stature, his miracles and other activities, he was immediately regarded as a god, a re-incarnation of Vishnu, one of the gods. He however lifted them to the level of recognition of the higher gods, like Brahma, whom Indian scholars who read the Sanskrit regard as the highest of all the gods.
During his lifetime, he fought battles against ignorance. His greatest battle was against those who even then call him a god in his presence. This he always debunks, but they never listen to him. And when, one stormy night, he rode back to the mountains, some believed he just appeared from nowhere and disappeared after his mission, as gods are wont to do. Till today, those who claim to follow Krishna do so much harm to him by worshiping him. Not only that, they had got their spiritual development not only stunted at the level of the high gods that the Greeks also got themselves stunted at, but they have degenerated into complete fetishism and idolatry. Their connection with nature beings brought about the myth of Indian medicine- they use all the human senses in some of their entangled activities. They are also adepts in the use of herbs.
This was the state of things under which Siddhartha was born into a royal family in India centuries later. He grew up as a king in his kingdom. Carefree, without belief and given to wild hunts. It was one of the hunts he went to when enemies attacked and overtook his kingdom and palace. They met him on the way, beat him up and left him for dead. But he recovered in a bush having lost everything. Not being able to go back to his kingdom he then embarked on a journey to a destination, which he himself does not know. First he begged to survive, then became an apprentice to a strolling snake charmer, and ended up an apprentice to a merchant. From these people he learn t in the school of hard knocks and was forced into reflections about life- a trend that took him to self-recognition and spirituality.
It is noteworthy that those who taught him on this journey of life later became his students. His followers grew; his extra closeness to the forces of nature was very helpful. He later established a monastery on top of an Indian mountain where he taught. Other monasteries manned by his pupils were at correspondingly lower levels of the mountain. His teachings sought to prepare the people for the coming of the Lord. He noted that the age of Kali or the age of destruction will precede the age of infinite peace. The age of destruction is equivalent to the Iron Age, which is the transition between the age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius, the age of the Holy Spirit who pours down power from on high on Pentecost every year. He taught them that Brahma is not the highest of the Gods that there is one true God in control of all below him. For his teachings he was able to perceive right up to the heavens, and became Buddha, which means the awakened one.
Since Buddha never married his brothers son Gautama, who was once his pupil, and manned one of the lower monasteries took over. He expounded on Buddha's teachings, and later became an awakened one too. Another Siddhartha, who also was an awakened one, or Buddha followed him. Many confuse the three into one.
Uche mbah, author, poet, journalist, an adherent of the work In The Light Of Truth The Grail Message hails from Nigeria.His discovery that the work by Abd-ru-shin answers all questions of life if you take time to examine it propels him to share his experiences with humanity. A graduate of English,from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, he found out how all religions lead to the godhead if the original teachings of the founders are taken into account, and not the strange forms that such religious groups find themselves today.The bridge between Science and religion is bridged when we recognize the limitations of science, whose activities do not go beyond the material world, without recognizing that there is no difference between this world and the beyond.
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